Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring is rushing in!

Today I went down to Ithaca with a good friend of mine from school, Sarah. We went to the Museum of the Earth, and then made a few stops at Robert H. Treman State Park and Buttermilk Falls State Park.

The air temperature today was in the mid 40s- mild, calm weather compared to what we've been used to for the past 4 months. Snow. Cold. Blustery. Misery. But today, although overcast and a little drizzly, was mostly a typical March spring day. When we stopped at RHTSP, and walked along the channel up to the swimming area where the falls are, all that we could hear was rushing water.

To me, one of those sounds of spring is rushing, dripping's a good sound. Jack Frost is melting away, hopefully for good until the NEXT winter season. It also makes me look forward to what's coming. That rushing water makes me think of my life rushing in. Out with the old, in with the new. Spring and summer are going to bring new (and old) wonderful things for me. 

Tomorrow evening I'm taking an evening flight out west to Denver, CO. I will be meeting with transfer advisors and starting the next expedition in life- moving and transferring to Colorado State University in Fort Collins! I don't want to say I'm 100% on this decision yet, but I'm about 75%. I will be touring the Rocky Mountains with a dear friend from my first summer at Raquette Lake Camps. I'm so excited about "spring awakening" if you will, and my renewed love of learning and life! For many people reading, if any, I'm sure you have no idea to what I'm referring. But trust me, when I say I feel like my ice is melting, and my spring is rushing in!

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