Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Green Fire: A Success!

I've blogged so much over the past 2 days...but I have done so many neat things, I must share!

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about our club's event: The Wildlife Society Club Presents: Green Fire!

It went VERY well, and we had an audience of about 50 people consisting of students and community members. It's hard to get people to an event on a week night, and it's hard to get students to events on campus because FLCC is not a residential college. But, 50 seemed like a solid number!

We were selling raffle tickets for a canoe package that the New York State Chapter organized, and is allowing students to participate in (and reap the benefit of!)

And we were selling shirts as a fundraiser...

We had tables set up outside the lecture hall selling the tickets, shirts, refreshments, and then we had some pelts out for people to look at, specifically the gray wolf, Eastern coyote, and red fox so people could have a frame of reference for sizes.

Photo credit: Sasha Mackenzie
Photo credit: Sasha Mackenzie
This is Joe /\ our Vice President and organizer of the event!

Photo credit: Sasha Mackenzie

Photo credit: Sasha Mackenzie

Photo credit: Sasha Mackenzie
We asked our professor John to host the event, as he is the one who is Aldo Leopold's biggest fan. John was the last Masters student of one of Leopold's own students, so he has a special connection. Here in the photo, John is showing the difference in size between the Eastern coyote and a gray wolf. Can you tell which is which?!

Thanks to Joe, our Vice President, for putting the event together, and thanks to the students who helped out! It was a great event.

If you are interested in finding out how you can view
Green Fire, check out:

1 comment:

  1. Grey Wolf is on the right...? I am looking forward to seeing this next week. Thanks for the info. and glad you had a good turn out.


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