Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Results from Week #1!

Muller Field Station, Honeoye NY - 2/13/2012

Last week (Today was the day: camera trap deployment!), I set my 4 camera traps out, scented them, and let them go. The following are my results. Although few, I'm pleased with the variety of animals. I expected more frequency of critters. For example, I tracked a red fox right in front of all 4 of my cameras...and I didn't get it. I DID get pictures of red fox, but not the one I was expecting. We had a bit of snow over the weekend, and there were FRESH tracks Monday morning. The fox pictures I got were earlier in the week.

Anyway, here's what I got!

Camera A - Virginia opossum

Camera A - Eastern coyote

Camera A - Red fox

Camera C - Mystery animal
(Any suggestions? We're thinking MAYBE a muskrat?)

Camera D- Red fox

Camera D - Red fox

Camera D - Me!

You may have noticed there are no images from "Camera B"...didn't get any wild critters, just people walking by. Here's my set up for B...not to leave it out :)

Any thoughts on the Mystery Critter???

Finally, how lucky am I to have had 2 consecutive gorgeous days in the field?

1 comment:

  1. It looks to me like "Mystery Animal" may be a Eastern Cottontail... ~shrug...


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