Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Lion and the Lamb are duking it out.

I've been struck with sickness, which is probably just a common virus, but to me it's misery. I rarely get sick. In fact the last time I was THIS sick was in the summer of 2009 when I contracted the H1N1 virus at my summer camp. So, the past few days have been unenjoyable. Last night I stood on my deck in the dark calling for my cat to come in for the night, and found it to be almost pleasant outside. My smartphone told me it was 50 degrees out. The last time it was 50 out at 1130 at night was probably in October! So I thought maybe I'd shut off the heat, crack my bedroom window, and let the fresh air heal my poor respiratory system, 1900s style. After successfully calling my cat in, I shut the door and clicked on the tv to watch the weather before heading to bed. I was really unhappy to discover the next day was to bring 20 and 30 degree weather and 6-10" of snow...are you kidding me Mother Nature? The March Lion and Lamb were having it out.

It did end up snowing all day today, but it was in the 30s, a bearable temperature. And we only received about 5 inches, a tolerable amount. SO I suppose I can't really complain. I do live in Upstate NY, and it is March. This is the most miserable unpleasant time of year ever....just when you think we're out of the cold, we get a reminder that Mother Nature has control when she dumps more snow on us on Mothers Day.

The forecast today showed steadily rising temps. We should be hovering in the 30s and 40s this week, which is encouraging. It will allow me to get outside for longer amounts of time, and to start exploring the outdoors like I've missed doing the past 4 months.

On friday I have the extreme privelege of visiting a bear den with a mother bear and cub(s). I am allowed this experience through a class I'm taking @ FLCC, Black Bear Management, and a partnership we have with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation in region 8.

I haven't really decided what to do with this blog yet, do I pick a position and preach about it? I'm a conservationist, environmentalist, animal-lover, liberal, etc etc, blah blah blah....I think I'll end up using this venue to share my amazing experiences with friends and family. I have had, and will continue to have some very lucky experiences in the out of doors...and I think this is how I'll share them.

Passe del Morro National Historic Site, Old San Juan, PR 1/11

Please keep reading :)

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